이들은 편지에서
“세명의 자유한국당 의원은 ‘5·18은 600여명의 북한 특수공작원이 사주한 난동’이라는 한 극우인사의 노골적인 거짓말에 동조했다”며
“세명 국회의원의 말은 뻔뻔한 거짓이며, 광주와 호남 시민들, 나아가 한국인들 모두에게 상처를 줬다”고 개탄했다.
또 이들은 “우리의 남편인 아널드 피터슨 목사가 찍은 헬기 사격 사진과, 찰스 헌틀리 목사가 촬영한 광주기독병원으로 이송된 수많은 희생자의 사진은 전두환의 재판에도 제시됐다. 우리는 광주에서 무슨 일이 벌어졌는지 알고 있다”고 적었다.
“5·18은 폭동”이라거나, 계엄군의 살인 진압까지 부인하는 역사 왜곡에도 깊은 우려를 나타냈다.
“광주에서 벌어진 부당한 폭력의 한가운데서 이를 목격하고 도울 수 있었던 것에 감사하다.
우리는 앞으로도 한국을 사랑할 것이며, 우리가 아는 진실을 증언할 것”이라고 밝혔다.
두 사람은 지난해 국립 5·18민주묘지에서 열린 5·18 민주화운동 38주년 기념식에도 참석했다.
“제가 본 광주는 어떤 말로도 표현할 수 없는 참혹함 그 자체였으나 광주 시민의 인간애는 너무나 뜨거웠다"
마사 헌틀리와 바버라 피터슨은 1980년 5월 광주에 있었다. 남편인 찰스 헌틀리(한국 이름 허철선), 아널드 피터슨(배태선) 목사와 함께였다. 당시 광주기독병원 원목실장이던 헌틀리 목사는 계엄군에 쫓기던 시민들을 숨겨주고 희생자·부상자의 사진을 미국으로 보내 5·18의 참혹한 실상을 세계에 알렸다. 당시 광주에서 한·미 전도대회를 준비하던 피터슨 목사도 현장에서 목격한 계엄군의 폭력적인 진압과 헬기 사격 등을 기록으로 남겼다. 헌틀리·피터슨 목사는 세상을 떠났지만 그들의 아내인 마사와 바버라는 여전히 1980년 광주를 기억하는 역사의 증언자들이다.
Dear Mr. Speaker,
We are American citizens who lived in South Korea during the years 1965-1991. We were Presbyterian and Baptist missionaries in Gwangju from 1969 ? 1985, raised our families there, and worked with Gwangju Christian Hospital, Honam Seminary, the Catholic seminary, Chosun University and Chunnam University,the Gwangju YMCA, and with Presbyterian and Baptist churches throughout the area.
We were present during all of the Gwangju Sateh, the “Incident” which is now most often called the Gwangju Democratization Movement. It was not an organized movement ? it was an illicit assault upon our city of 800,000 people by military forces under the control of Chun Doo-Hwan.
Our husbands took the photographs used in Chun’s trial ? of the helicopter that fired upon the people of Korea, in Rev. Arnold Peterson’s case, and of many of the dead who were brought to Gwangju Christian Hospital during those tumultuous times, in the Rev. Charles Betts Huntley’s case. Believe us, we know what happened in Gwangju ? we were eye-witnesses, and we recorded what we saw and experienced.
Now we hear that in a public hearing held at the National Assembly on Feb. 8, three lawmakers of the Liberty Korea Party joined a far right figure portraying the May 18 uprising as a putsch instigated by 600 North Korean provocateurs ? which is blatantly false.
Democracy must be based upon truth, and people need to trust their lawmakers to know the truth, tell the truth, and act in truth. What these three lawmakers said was false, and very hurtful to the people of Gwangju and the Chullas, and to the nation of South Korea as well.
To this day, there are people who deny the Holocaust ever occurred ? their denials would wipe away the reality of the suffering and loss of millions of people to the world, and the truth of history itself. We would hate to see the same thing happen in South Korea, if these May 18 deniers of the truth are allowed to speak lies in the face of actual, historical reality.
We would hope these three lawmakers will be rebuked if not removed, so that people can trust the National Assembly of Korea.
Arnold Peterson went to be with our Lord, Sept. 24, 2015 and Betts Huntley June 26, 2017. The people of Gwangju were always in their hearts and will forever be in ours.
We love Korea, and we love the truth. We are grateful for our years in Korea, and are grateful to have been there to see and help even in the midst of great ? and unwarranted ? violence on an entire city. We will always love Korea, and we will always bear witness to the truth we know.
Sincerely yours,
Martha Huntley and Barbara Peterson
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